• Les années Pif Gadget - 1969-1993 pan Jean-Pierre Dirick

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    • Les années Pif Gadget - 1969-1993
    • Jean-Pierre Dirick
    • Nb. de pages: 68
    • Format: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9782955208427
    • Editeur: Arcimboldo
    • Date de parution: 2018



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    Ebooks à télécharger pour les tablettes Android Les années Pif Gadget - 1969-1993 par Jean-Pierre Dirick in French 9782955208427 PDF MOBI



    C'est à un voyage dans le temps auquel vous invite ce beau livre : Un temps heureux ou gamin, à peine votre Pif acheté, vous tentiez de monter et de faire marcher ce fameux Gadget qui était vendu avec... Après avoir évoqué l'histoire de Pif Gadget et celle de ses gadgets devenus aujourd'hui mythiques, des fameux pois sauteurs du Mexique en passant par les "Pifises" ces minuscules crevettes, un véritable sous-marin ou encore des petits sapins à planter et tant d'autres gadgets tous aussi originaux qu'inventifs, ce livre retrace les 24 années d'existence du fameux hebdomadaire de sa création à sa disparition.
    Pour chacune de ces années une double page abondamment illustrée présente le gadget de l'année et le resitue dans son contexte de l'époque en évoquant les principaux évènements survenus autour de sa sortie. En parallèle au fil de ces années, à la façon d'un journal, Dirick évoque son expérience de lecteur puis de collaborateur et de dessinateur au sein de la rédaction de l'hebdo où pendant plus de 10 ans il a dessiné chaque semaine les énigmes de TIM.
    On a tous en tête encore aujourd'hui un ou plusieurs gadgets de Pif qui ont particulièrement marqué notre enfance... Alors laissons-nous porter par la nostalgie et retrouvons les temps heureux de nos années Pif Gadget !


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    • The Expanse Tome 3
    • James S. A. Corey
    • Nb. de pages: 816
    • Format: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9782253083672
    • Editeur: LGF/Livre de Poche
    • Date de parution: 2019



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    Pendant des générations, le système solaire - Mars, la Lune, la ceinture d'astéroïdes - fut la grande frontière de l'humanité. Plus maintenant. Un objet non identifié opérant sous les nuages de Vénus est apparu dans l'orbite d'Uranus, où il a construit une porte massive qui mène à un hyperespace désolé. Jim Holden et l'équipage du Rossinante font partie d'une vaste flotte de navires scientifiques et militaires chargés d'examiner le phénomène.
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  • The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions by Rhonda Sherman

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    • The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions
    • Rhonda Sherman
    • Page: 256
    • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
    • ISBN: 9781603587792
    • Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing


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    Amazon kindle e-books: The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions


    The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions by Rhonda Sherman Techniques and systems for processing food scraps, manure, yard debris, paper, and more Turning waste into wealth sounds too good to be true, but many worm farmers are finding that vermicomposting is a reliable way to do just that. Vermicast—a biologically active, nutrient-rich mix of earthworm castings and decomposed organic matter—sells for $400 or more per cubic yard. Compare that to regular compost, sold at about $30 a cubic yard, and you’ll see why vermicomposting has taken root in most countries and on every continent but Antarctica. Vermicomposting is also one of the best sustainable solutions for organic waste management. Vermicomposting manure and crop wastes on farms improves crop yields while reducing demand for off-farm inputs. Vermicast has higher nutrient levels and lower soluble salt content than regular compost, and it improves soil aeration, porosity, and water retention. Plus, vermicast suppresses plant diseases and insect attacks. Municipalities, businesses, community gardens, schools, and universities can set up vermicomposting operations to process food residuals and other waste materials. The Worm Farmer’s Handbook details the ins and outs of vermicomposting for mid- to large-scale operations, including how to recycle organic materials ranging from food wastes and yard trimmings to manure and shredded office paper. Vermicomposting expert Rhonda Sherman shares what she has learned over twenty-five years working with commercial worm growers and researchers around the world. Her profiles of successful worm growers across the United States and from New Zealand to the Middle East and Europe describe their proven methods and systems. This book digs into all the details, including: Choosing the right production system Regulatory issues and developing a business and marketing plan Finding and managing feedstocks Pre-composting: why and how to do it Monitoring an active worm bed Harvesting, screening, testing, packaging, and storing vermicast Markets for earthworms and vermicast Food security: how vermicast benefits soils and plants Keys to success: avoiding common pitfalls From livestock farms and restaurants to colleges, military bases, and prisons, Sherman details why and how commercial-scale vermicomposting is a fast-growing, sustainable solution for organic waste management. The Worm Farmer’s Handbook is the first and only authoritative how-to guide that goes beyond small-scale operations and demystifies the science and logistics of the fascinating process that is vermicomposting.

    Making and Using Worm Compost - University of Illinois Extension
    Large scale worm composting with flow through mechanized commercial composting operations, b) an institutional vermicomposting operation or c) a market gardener or farmer with a diverse operation where worm composting to cycle $15 to $45 per cubic yard for municipal or manure based compost (10 to 20x). Earthworms and Worm Bins | NC State Extension - Composting
    Vermicomposting is increasing in popularity in households, schools, and Worm bins can be located inside or outdoors, as a properly maintained bin Vermicomposting for Business, Farms, Institutions & Municipalities . Her new book is The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting forFarms,  Vermicompost - Wikipedia
    Vermicompost (vermi-compost, vermiculture) is the product of the composting process using Vermicast (also called worm castings, worm humus, worm manure, or worm It is used in farming and small scale sustainable, organicfarming. . The second type of large-scale vermicomposting system is the raised bed or  Manual on Vermiculture and Vermicomposting - Wellowgate
    7. 4. Vermicomposting windrows of shredded cardboard and manure. 17. 5. Small to medium-scale harvesters. 19. 6. Cinder-block worm beds on Scott farm. 23. What is bin management
    H. Universal Waste Systems Inc. At IntelliFarms, we see every point in the farm . A typical retailing business with a large stock room will use a bin card to record a about how to build your own worm bin, get instructions on vermicomposting, and SAP AG Warehouse Management Guide April 2001 3 Icons Icon Meaning   Composting | NC State Extension - NC State University
    Home composting · Large-scale composting · Vermicomposting toward homeowners, farmers, institutions, businesses, municipalities, and Chapter 2 of NC Extension Gardener Handbook · What CAN be Composted? . Her new book is The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting forFarms, 


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